Monday, 13 February 2012

Tain Show - Changes Afoot

Following the first meeting of the show committe last week, I have started to update / rewrite the schedule. We have decided that we should now have open and novice classes, novice being anyoone who hasn't previously won a red card in a particular section - eg if an exhibitor has won a cut flower class they would have to enter any cut flower class in the open section, but if the same exhibitor entered a class in the veg section where they had not previously won a class, they could enter as a novice. I know this might sound confusing but we need to be sure not to alienate all our locals who I think were a little daunted by some of the flowers and veg that were benched at last years show. It might lead to chaos on the day but hopefully we will have enough time to work through any potential difficulties that might arise.
We have dropped a couple of sections too - Floral Art (three entries in the first year, only two last year) and Best Kept Garden competition (three entries last year, four the year before) and also dropped a few classes - mainly from the vegetable classes - radishes (only 1 entry last year - me !) chillies (last two years, only 1 entry - me!, sweet peppers -last two years, only one entry - me!), truss red tomatoes (last year, only one entry - me|) Parsley plant in a pot (no entries last year, one the previous year). And tweaked some others - only one cabbage class instead of one for pointed and one for round, but callling for two specimens of the same variety and ditto with cauliflower - two specimens now required. We are also droppping the Garden News Top Vase and Top Tray -the Top Tray will now be replaced with a 6 x 1 Collection.
The Kids classes have been decided, we are introducing a Photographic Competition and the Gardeners Club Competition this year will be for the best Pot Grown Chilli -variety Basket of Fire, which I start next week in my heated propogator and grow on until the April meeting when the plants will be passed out to members.

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